Couples Therapy

It’s normal for relationships to have ups and downs. But relationships can get into trouble when you don’t have the know-how to navigate these natural relationship stages.

In Couple Therapy, I create a neutral space tailored specifically for your relationship needs so that you and your partner can work on improving your relationship. Couple therapy is about healing and strengthening the relationship to navigate life challenges–not about taking sides.

I have received extensive training in the Gottman Method and offer couple therapy using this approach. The Gottman Method is different than many other approaches to couple therapy; it is based on empirical research rather than on the researcher’s theory of the human psyche.

John Gottman conducted extensive observational research of “master couples”–couples who were still happy and in love with their partner after a lifetime together.

He identified key elements of these relationships that allowed partnerships to thrive through the challenges of life. In collaboration with his wife, Dr. Julie Gottman (a clinical psychologist with decades of experience working with couples and individuals), he then developed these key elements into a comprehensive model of healthy relationships.

Effective couples counseling with mindful relationship experts.

Are you tired of having the same arguments over and over again? Are you feeling more like roommates than lovers or you are starting to lose hope in your connection and even wondering is this relationship meant to be?

You’re not alone. In fact, most relationships go through hard timesIt is an inevitable part of going through predictable relationship stages. Most couples get into trouble because they never learned the tools and skills necessary for making a long-term relationship successful.

  • Feeling Disconnected
  • Communication Challenges
  • Attachment Issues (insecure/avoidant)
  • Old Resentment & Hurts
  • Frequent Arguments
  • Little-No Sex (Sexless Marriage)
  • Mis-matched Libido/ Sex Drive
  • Cheating/Affairs
  • Navigating Alternative Relationships (ie:Polyamory / Open / Non-Monagamy)
  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Dating
  • Sexuality
  • Overwhelm
  • Trauma / (Sexual, Attachment, PTSD)
  • Grief & Loss
  • Codependency
  • Life Transitions
  • Low Self Esteem/Worth
  • Sadness & Depression

Regardless of where you are at currently, you have already invested so much in your relationship.

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