Discography – sailing in troubled waters

by | Jul 23, 2021 | Shows | 0 comments

With the advent of digitization, it has inexorably upset every aspect in the global recording world. For about ten years – that is, since music began to be spread on the web – CD sales have recorded a persistent negative trend. Over the last three years, the sector has lost about a quarter of its value. However, the music album is not dead, especially on the Italian market.
How is digital sales in Italy going?
Virtual stores are also growing in Italy, but their weight is still reduced and stops at a fifth of that of CDs: digital music overall, with over 11 million euros in revenues. Digital music hides internal differences: compared to an exploit of 116% of online music, which went from 3.2 to 6.9 million euros, there is a slight decrease in “mobile” music products (from 104.1 to 102 million). The market for mobile phone ringtones, in fact, is almost saturated.
The pandemic definitively ushers in the era of streaming, but at the same time enhances vinyl. And then the live clubs abandoned by the institutions, the workers to be protected at all costs, live concerts and the whole World Music Industry.
But the greatest regret for the effects of the coronavirus will certainly be that for the live sector.
At the end of the 2020 summer season alone, the sector suffered losses of 350 million euros. To which to add those related to related activities, estimated at around 600 million euros.
The situation is very serious on the labor front and it is clear that the live music sector is now facing the greatest global emergency that puts the survival of an entire sector at risk with long-term effects that will affect the entire production chain. Will vinyl save MUSIC?
Long live vinyl then, a format that seemed destined to disappear and that today has reopened a market and an induced that is unexpectedly flourishing again, starting with turntable producers, DJs who use only vinyl and also the recording studios that have gone to resurrect the engraving machines that make it possible to create the masters for the presses but above all to avoid piracy as it is much more difficult to reproduce the format.