Dispute in Voghera, councilor arrested

by | Jul 21, 2021 | Breaking News | 0 comments

It was Massimo Adriatici, lawyer, councilor for security of the Municipality of Voghera (Pavia), who fired the gunshot that last night, shortly after 10 pm, killed a 39-year-old man of Moroccan nationality. Initially the man’s conditions did not seem serious, then worsened until his death. The incident happened in Piazza Meardi in the Oltrepadana city. The commissioner, is now under house arrest, is now under investigation for culpable excess in self-defense.
From the first investigations conducted by the carabinieri, it seems that the commissioner has fired a gunshot to the man of Moroccan origin after a dispute between the two, which took place in front of a bar. The injured was transported by ambulance to the emergency room of the hospital in Voghera (Pavia). His condition, which at first did not seem worrying, rapidly worsened until his death in the night. According to the stories of some customers who frequent the bar, a citizen who was present would have seen the Moroccan throw a bottle against the councilor for safety of Voghera Massimo Adriatici. A detail that, if confirmed, could prove useful for investigations in which at the moment the culpable excess of self-defense is disputed. From what has been learned, Adriatici regularly held the gun with which he fired. The lawyer is councilor for security in the center-right junta led by the mayor Paola Garlaschelli.