Bellinato (MAIE) in Italia CiamaItalia

by | Jul 23, 2021 | R .. Dominican | 0 comments

In view of the December elections, “the MAIE of the Dominican Republic is preparing very well, following with great attention the dynamics of the Italian community residing here”. Looking beyond the RD, “MAIE is a consolidated reality in Central America”. “I hope that the future Comites will be able to focus more on concrete projects dedicated to the Italian community and on relations with local institutions; above all that it is made up of a cohesive group, with a great desire to do ”In recent days, Sen. Ricardo Merlo, president of MAIE and former Undersecretary for Foreign Affairs, visited the Italian community of the Dominican Republic. On the occasion, he met the coordinators of MAIE RD during a meeting held in Santo Domingo. Other leaders of the Italian Associative Movement Abroad connected via Zoom from all over the Caribbean and Central America, as well as from the USA. “During the meeting we talked about the importance of the role of the Comites in the various Italian communities in the world, also in view of the elections of the Committees to be held in December”, explains to Flavio Bellinato, coordinator MAIE North and Central America, resident in Santo Domingo. “In the second part of the meeting, together with President Merlo we evaluated various initiatives, both on the territory and related to communication, to be organized between now and the end of the year. It was a very constructive appointment, during which we planned the future, “he adds. In view of the December elections, “the MAIE of the Dominican Republic is preparing for the great, following with great attention the dynamics of the Italian community residing here. In the elections, the Movement will support those candidates who reflect our values, our ideas. These are capable, consistent, serious people. Above all, competent ”. Looking beyond the Democratic Republic, “in Central America the MAIE is a consolidated reality, made up of people who have a great experience both at the level of associations and grassroots representation, as happens for example in Guatemala, as well as in the RD itself. “. “They are all preparing for the year-end election appointment. The MAIE is also working very well in Florida. It is still premature to talk about lists, but I am convinced that we will achieve excellent results “. Bellinato is also Secretary of the Comites of Santo Domingo, a Comites shared with Panama: “Being part of a Comites for the first time was a very formative experience for me, it enriched me a lot. I believe I have played the role of Secretary in the best way. Obviously, having reopened the Embassy of Santo Domingo, in the future we will have our own Committee, no longer divided in half with Panama. At least this is what we hope for. Just as I personally hope that the future Comites will be able to focus more on concrete projects dedicated to the Italian community and on relations with local institutions; above all that it is composed of a cohesive group, with a great desire to do “. On the Draghi government: “Unfortunately, the current executive speaks little or nothing of Italians abroad. I believe that having no longer an elected member of the government from abroad, as during the Conte 1 and 2 governments, the thrust that was there has been lost a bit. In particular, with Sen. Merlo in the control room, we Italians in the world had undoubtedly become a central point within the Farnesina “. A final comment on the situation regarding the pandemic in the Caribbean country: “Here everything seems to be back to normal, or almost. The situation is quite under control. There is still a curfew, but we are no longer in the presence of a dramatic situation “.